Hey there, murder book fans:
This is just a short note to let you know what I’m up to today. I am currently reading a small little novel by Del Staecker entitled Tales of Tomasewski.
Normally I don’t like writing until I’m finished reading, but this little book is worth a short preview.
If you’ve been following this blog, you may have read a previous post I did about the late, great, Robert B. Parker. To say that I’m a fan would be an understatement.
Again, keeping this brief let me say that the hero in Staecker’s book reminds me so much of Spencer for Hire, that it almost leaves a lump inside my throat.
I’ll be getting into this in my formal review in a few days. But let me just say this: If Mr. Staecker doesn’t create a series about this fellow, I’ll be extremely disappointed.
Anyway, stay tuned, and I’ll be back in a few days with more.
Reg (I just love those thriller books)